Articles on: Talents

Edit Talents

Edit Talents

We are all wonderfully made and given many gifts. As you change and grow, you can always add or delete talents.

In this example, Emily Johnson wants to add two talents (Event Management and Landscaping / Gardening) and delete one talent (Website / Internet).

Click “Profile” on the left menu.

Click “Talent Center” on the center menu.

Click on the “+” sign (on the right side of “Talented in...”).

Click on the drop-down menu.

Scroll through to review and choose any applicable talents. In this example, it’s Event Management.

Repeat for any other talents. In this example, it’s Landscaping / Gardening.

To delete a talent, click on the “x” next to the talent. In this example, it’s Website / Internet.

Scroll down and click "Save Changes" to finalize your choices and officially update your profile.

Updated on: 21/02/2023

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